
目前显示的是 一月, 2009的博文


1. How much do you spend for clothes per month? SERIOUSLY,I didn't spend lot, lol. 2. Who is more important to you?Friends or boy/girlfriend? haha... of coz is family... 3. How often do you think about committing suicide? No idea o... :D 4. Do you think you have enough confidence? >SERIOUSLY, MY ANSWER IS A "NO". 5. How many babies do you want? HAHAHA...No idea with this question, but will know in the future. 6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain? Why... of coz la... 7. What is your goal for this year? Getting good results in studies and could grow higher! (LIKE MY ELDER COUSIN BROTHER'S HEIGHT AS WELL) 8. What kept you of being who you are? MYSELF, of course. 9. What's a perfect girlfriend/boyfriend like to you?(List 10) 1.dunno 2.dunno 3.dunno 4.dunno 5.dunno 6.dunno 7.dunno 8.dunno 9.dunno 10.Well, there's nothing perfect in this world, lol. 10. What are you really afraid of? Afraid of many things, till I couldn't even count it out. ...

My family camera

Yay!!! i know how to upload edi!!! And this is my camera(actually is 家人的)share one... took this photo from the package of the camera...


Finally, I got a camera today... I AM SO HAPPY... got it from LOW YAT PLAZA. want to say thanks AGAIN t my great father and mother. they still could buy it to me although 经济不好... i felt so grateful. Well, still 研究着 how to upload the photo of my camera. So readers, please be patience.:p (if can, please tell me how to do it or so wateva)


Had an argument with my brother today. Got misunderstood and more... Not feeling happy today. My brother doesn't feel that he is wrong neither any guilty. Although he did something wrong, he still 强词夺理, still think that he is the correct one. And then, when my parents or i scold him, he will said:"是啦是啦,总之全都是我的错!" but he is feeling unguilty. I had spotted something wrong there, in his mind. I still remember that he got told me be4 that my parents 疼爱 me more than him. But I don't think so... HAAIZ...(T_____T) I am feeling really really guilty... But I don't want to say sorry to him, since he never appreciate me, he didn't said sorry to me at first, and I just ... HAIZZZ...


就因为明天是我的朋友,潘镁欣同学的生日, 我就在此祝她生日快乐!(也因为我怕明天无法用电脑) 镁欣,这蛋糕是送给妳的,祝妳学业进步,笑口常开,青春美丽,新年快乐!!! 希望妳会喜欢。。。


咚咚咚咚锵! 咚咚咚咚锵! 很快的, 再倒数五天, 便是农历新年的到来。 问你已为新年准备好工夫了吗?(比如大扫除,办年货,布置房子,做新年糕饼等等) 问大人们是否已准备好一大笔的$来包红包了? 问帅气迷人, 青春美丽的少男少女是否已买好了新鞋子, 新衣裳, 是否已准备好了将要在拜年时向长辈说出的祝福语? 哈。。。 不过, 无论如何, 我还是要在这里祝福各位,(尤其是属牛的朋友) 新年新的一天, 新年万事如意, 新年年年有鱼, 新年多多红包, 新年快快乐乐, 新年健健康康, 新年心想事成!!!

他, 哭了

前天, 他哭了。 他, 就只因为无法抄到自己偶像的一首歌的歌词, 而被气到哭了。 我很久都没见到他哭了, 更何况是为了一点小事而哭了约莫半个小时之多。 你们说, 这样对吗? 这样值得吗? 该哭的时候不哭, 不该哭的时候,又哭? 唉。。。

First day in Kuen Cheng?

Yesterday I was very nervous when I reached my schol at around 6something in the morning. Climb stairs to my 5th floor classroom. "PUFF-PANT!" After I reached my classroom, start finding my own seat. Took a look around my classroom(in and out of the classroom) after being seated in my seat from some minutes. P.S.: While i past by 3rd floor while i am going to my class in the morning, realised that 4th floor is very dark.(-__-)Then went up to 4th floor and found out that 5th floor is even darker.DAMN IT All the form one students are being welcomed with great applause in the school hall. Many hadmasters and teachers gave speeches... BLAH BLAH BLAH for 50 minutes, coz its a 周会. The 训导主任 is a very strict old man. My job in the class is a 总务.(被老师“抽中”的。) 总务is like a "管家"... (-_-)!!! *总务: 1)保管班上公物,若有任何维修事宜,须先请示班主任,再向事物主任报告。 2)协助班长处理班务,若正副班长均缺席,则须代行班长职务。 3)下课时,代同学到贩卖部购买书本,作业簿,文具等。 4)协助财政处理班级财务。 "Thank you", teacher. Finally, school's over ...


此事, 是发生在我才刚甘愿起床的那一刻。 只听见在楼下客厅的妈妈和弟弟急忙地翻找着东西的声音, 似乎在找些什么。 我感到很奇怪。 当我折好了被单, 准备下楼时, 我弟弟就跑了上来。 他告诉我他上来房间的目的--- 寻找钱包, 并在短时间内告诉了我事情的来龙去脉。 !我爸爸的钱包不见了! 如此重要的东西, 竟然会弄不见?! 。。。 我先帮我弟弟, 在睡房里找了一遍。 找不到。 于是, 我便到客房里的厕所及顶楼去找。 (因为这些都是我爸爸曾去过的地方) 也找不到。 此时此刻, 我才甘愿下楼去。 妈妈见了我, 就马上叫我去洗刷一番和吃早餐后, 才来参与他和弟弟的“搜寻钱包活动”。 (她不知道我已晓得了此事,我就装不懂) 洗刷和吃早餐的任务完毕, 我就开始参与活动。 找了约莫一小时左右, 爸爸就回来了。 当时已接近下午十二时。 爸爸回来的目的, 是的, 为了找回他的钱包。 没想到, 就当他走到一个橱柜时, 只见他将手伸进去, 就拿出了一样东西。。。 相信读者们都应该猜到是什么了吧? 没错, 正是我老爸的钱包。 没想到, 我们这三个人经过了该橱柜无数次, 竟然都没察觉到。 。。。 我,妈妈和弟弟的“搜寻钱包活动”正式大功告成。 我这次的 blog 也就此结束! yeah !!!