目前显示的是 十二月, 2009的博文
风云 II
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I gotta admit that...........this movie is really GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD to watch argh!!!!!!!!!!! It is such a magnificient + fantastic movie... I felt disliked it at the first time I saw its trailor.... ( coz I felt that it was so fake ) BUT I WAS WRONG Although it looked fake in my first expression, but its a good movie if really go watch it!!! sometimes its funny too....... but sometimes it made me felt touching n it gave me a conclusion that..... 要讲义气和团结,才能达到成功!!! 欲速而不达... wooooohooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Its a great movie!!!!!!! *P/S: 郑伊健、郭富城 looked very cool n handsome while in the movie!!
千错万错, 均是我的错!
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都是我不好, 都是我的错! 父母家人每次在进行任何活动, 都得看看我当天是否有什么活动, 才能决定是否要去进行... 全部都要看我先,才看情况! 都是我不好, 掠夺了大家的自由空间! 我也几乎是要风得风,要雨得雨! 全部都只有我说一,无人能说二! 很抱歉, 都是我不好! 都要大家来迁就我! 此外,父母今天会变得这么凶, 也是因为我! 因为我不乖, 因为我懒惰, 等等.... 都怪我!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 都是我不好, 都是我的错! 我无能,又失败, 都是我的错! 以我这么一个样地说着我自己, 我是没法被选为精英中的精英的精英了! 斗湖,我去不成了! 都是我辜负了大家! 很抱歉, 真佛宗! 很抱歉大家! 除了这些, 我都没有东西可做, 可说, 可帮的了... 很抱歉 ,我浪费了大家的时间!