
目前显示的是 三月, 2011的博文


Finally, I am free now! ! ! Thank God :3 I felt very free now, no need to attend any school activity by tomorrow, no need to go what kinda 生活营 stuff.... I just need to get my PMr SEJARAH project done~ and its a really awful thing for me, coz I'll gonna check out for more things about it.. and gonna start to buy some malay magazines, newspapers, etc etc to get it done perfectly ~ Just for one more A in my PmR result~ Oh my gosh, the papers and magazines are really expensive things ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I haven't start my work yet, neither do I open my mouth to get some money from my parents~ But I sure know what my mom would say, : " 该买的就买,不该买的就不买!“ So I knew that this time, these things are really important to buy~ And I really need it ! ! ! China and Japan's in trouble around this holiday, (especially @ Japan 仙台) --- earthquakes at China --- Japan: Tsunami + earthquake + earthquake aftershocks+ nuclear crisis I could see and learn more from this incident in Japan, their mo...


昨天,我见到她了。 正确地来说,是不小心遇见,是恰巧碰见的。 当时,我感觉到我的内心有一种压迫感。一种,很不喜欢的感觉。很讨厌的感觉。 我当时的心,有如被颗石子压着了。 然而,我还是在不情愿的情况下,无奈地把手举了起来,和她打了个招呼。 一个,完全没有诚意的招呼。 一个,被逼的招呼。 我不得不这么做,我深怕身边的人会知道我不爽她,深怕有更多的人来插一脚。深怕,我们俩之间的事情会成为他人茶余饭后的话题。我不喜欢这一切。待会又怕被说成不尊敬长辈之类的。 心中的我当下感觉得到,我心中的那根刺,刺得好深好深。好像怎样都拔不出来的。 当时,她也有跟我打招呼 {还是在跟走在我身边的同伴打招呼?我不知道}, 可是是有如机器人似的打招呼。 我知道,这也是被她自己逼出来的招呼。 下个星期一又要和她见面了。。我不喜欢。 但愿不会再发生任何不愉快的事情. . . . . . .