My confessions/vindications.. to Rachel SEK

She's my best friend in year2011. She's RACHEL SEK. She is the first whom made me have the feelings to get back to school studying, even though it was holiday. She made me laugh every moments in school. She is a cute person. She is good. She is nice. She LOVED JUSTIN BIEBER. I loved her perfume. I never and I don't wish to doubt about her. I don't care all about her scandals. I just believed in her. I believe in what I see in her.... I believed every single word she says. I enjoyed listening to every stories she told me. I loved the moments being with her. It was fun!!! I regretted that I haven't being beside her when she needs comfort and warmth. I'm ... SORRY. I'm glad that a person who is such a beauty like you would ever be friends with me, share your stories with me, encouraged me. I also felt repentant as I NEVER HAD A PHOTO WITH YOU. :( It's my fate and my luck to be acquainted with you. #I was shocked when I read your ...